Energy efficiency of buildings and industrial objects

By reducing energy consumption in any object, we are making a direct impact on the environmental pollution and saving energy. Energy efficiency is becoming a key element in the construction of new objects, while in the existing ones it can be improved with minimal reconstruction and remodeling. Fashion trends or legal regulations are not the only reasons for interventions to improve energy efficiency, but the natural human need for a comfortable living and working conditions.

Pharmachem, as a company that follows trends to improve energy efficiency, owns a license for energy audits of buildings issued by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia. Our team consists of electrical and mechanical engineers who are certified energy auditors, who possess knowledge, experience and precision measuring instruments for measuring energy efficiency. Furthermore, we can issue a certificate for energy efficiency in short deadlines, but in a highly professional manner.

Products we offer are the basic and detailed energy audits determined with the Law on energy, thermal vision analysis of objects and measuring the efficiency of heating and cooling. By making the certificate, we are also giving measures for improving energy efficiency, as well as time limits for returning of the investment.

Energy efficiency is not just a measure but an important resource that allows us to save energy.

Contact person:

Sonja Miloshevska, Chem. Tech. Eng. - Sales assistant   

Tel .: + (389 2) 20 31 193, email:


Адреса: Кичевска бр. 1, 1060 Скопје, п. фах 39, тел: +(389 2) 2031 193, е-пошта: